Friday, March 9, 2012

April Fools

I know, I know. It's not April 1st. I'm not talking about that kind of April Fools. I'm talking about the people who spend March and the 1st half of April working hard all in the name of government revenue-generation.  I'm talking about tax accountants.  Every year tax season comes around and I wonder why I'm doing this to myself again. Yes, my friends, I am an April Fool!

This March marks my 5th tax season at a big accounting firm in Manhattan. In honor of this grand time of year, I wanted to take you on a walk down memory lane of tax seasons that have come before via snippets from journals past.  Things have definitely improved (I no longer take pictures with tax returns, or see the likes of my office past 10PM), but it still STINKS!  I have finally learned that I despise working more than 40.1 hours per week.  Alas, I digress.  Please read on so you too can get a glimmer of busy season for yourself :) 

March 15, 2008 - "This week went by kind of fast which is good I guess. Only four more weeks of busyness. Each week is like a new round in a boxing match and I only have about 5 minutes to rest up for each one... but a good thing about this season is that I really appreciate every minute of freedom."

My first busy season, March 2008. 

March 9, 2009 - "It's been a while since I've written because it's busy season. And it's going fine. Nothing unbearable. We've only done 3 weekends, but they've been relatively chill. I've had a few dreams about work stuff. I  haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks but I'm not being too hard on myself about it. I'm mostly enjoying the days. I love the people I work with and the new staff. We laugh a lot and "ice skate" in the office at night :) My signature moves is the sit-spin."

Tax returns I worked long and hard at preparing my first tax season. 
March 28, 2009 - "It's 2AM and I just got home from work. I've worked the last 20 days straight without a day off. This week I stayed 'til about 1AM every night.  I'm glad it's almost over!"

Yes, I took picture of the returns! I thought they looked cool against the building shapes.

February 24, 2010 - [A poem I wrote before work]...

Morning rainy makes me tired; need my coffee to get wired.
Once I leave here can't turn back; I just want to hit the sack!
Quiet's good, I need some more; That is what this morning's for.
City noises just outside, but in here's where I reside.
Safe and warm I'll stay inside.

Ok, fine, it's time to go; off to work, let's start this show.
Hit the sidewalk, shiny wet; It's still raining, wanna bet?
Time to go, alright I'm set!

March 7, 2011 - "Just got home from work and I feel like I'm physically carrying a little work stress that I need to let go of."

March 15, 2011 - "I feel like I want to stop everything and run away. Go somewhere sunny and not have an accounting job."

Did you ever want to run away and do something else?

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