Wednesday, February 8, 2012

We ABBREVE! (and make up words)

Glossary of abbreviations and made-up words/phrases commonly used by me (some are not originals so don't get all high-horsey on me). This will surely aid your reading of past and future blogs:

Abbreve - abbreviation, to abbreviate

Supes - super

Jelly bean/jelz - jealous (ie, "I'm a jelly bean!" or "I'm so jelzzzz!")

Sauce - suffix for any adjective (i.e., 'awesome-sauce!' or "supes sauce!" for a double abbreve).. this has died out over the years but has remained a fave.  Speaking of which...

Fave - favorite

The Gags - Lady Gaga

The Biebs - Justin Bieber

Celebs - celebrities (derrr!)

The Fames - famous people

Sorrs - Sorry

Kundalini - dormant potential force laying at the base of the spine (I used to say this to myself while waiting for the subway in hopes that the doors would open directly in front of me... and if the doors open right in front of me, in my head I would yell "Kundalini!")

Birtch/Birtcheenie - b*itch (this is a classic used for females only)

Dirk - d*ck plus jerk plus birtch (male version of a birtch)

Demon Ferosh - ferocious demon; birtch

Probs not but defs poss - probably not but definitely possible (shout out to Erica!)

Creepy Plaza (Creeps Plaz for short) - the south side of 43rd street between 9th and 10th Avenue; every time you walk down this strip I can guarantee you will see at least 5 creepy people/things going on

Ball change, sucka! - take that! (Matt E. and I were big on this for a while)

Kick ball change - a common dance move involving a flick of the foot and then a quick weight-shift between feet; phrase easily used as a nonsensical filler in almost any lull of a song (i.e., "We found love in a hopeless place [kick ball change]") .. try it.. it really works!  Best enjoyed if you physically do a kick ball change while saying "kick ball change."

Warning: There may be a part two of this because I'm sure I'm leaving some out.

What are some fun phrases that are uniquely you?

Nite! xoxoooooo


  1. I say "ridic." As in "ridiculous."

  2. Yes, Melissa, that is a classic! Bubble, thanks for the comment! I just took a look at your blog and it's so fun! Thanks for reading :)
