Thursday, February 16, 2012


Last night I took Matt to the Knicks game for his V-day gift. I have to admit I got a little caught up in the Jeremy Lin-mania even though I'm not much of a sports fan (not one at all really).  But I got so inspired by the Asian Sensation that I even learned a new basketball phrase: alley oop. From Matt's explanation (and some post-game googling) I understand it to mean when someone throws the ball up close to the hoop, and another player jumps for it and dunks.  Am I right or am I right (or am I right?)? Lin and Stoudemire did it a couple times last night much to my liking.

Not as much to my liking, though, as were the Knicks City Dancers. I was really confused why people didn't clap for them more. I guess they just don't appreciate their skillz as much as I do. Speaking of words that shouldn't have a 'z' at the end...

Knicks City Dancers 

During the time outs they hosted a kids talent contest called Kidz Bop. I mean, really? Do we really need the unnecessary Z (ignore the fact that I used it above).  Anythewho.... 3 young girls between 12 and 14 years old demonstrated their musical talents. Two sang and 1 played piano. The pianist was phenoms; the singers, not so much. Too bad Mary J. Blige was in the audience.... they may have just ruined their potential future singing careers :( Whomp.

In other celeb news.... Al Gore and Whoopi Goldberg were also in the audience.  Too far from us, sadly, but the celeb-presence was one of the highlights of the night for me.  The other was the crowd of fans across the floor from us holding up sticks with huge Lin faces on them. They waved these around to distract the opponent (Sacramento Kings). For some reason I got such a kick out of this :) Gave me the giggs (giggles).

Lins on a stick

Hmm - what else? I think Matt was happy and surprised with the game (he didn't know about it ahead of time). Twas a good night overall. Enjoy some pics, and prepare yourself for some more Lin-teresting posts this weekend, particularly a B-list post about Lincoln Restaurant (quite appropriate in name, wouldn't you say? LINcoln).  Anyway, that is all. Good night all!

Besties and loves xoxo

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