Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I mean, who wouldn't want to look this cool?

1) The quality or state of being happy; great happiness; an instance of happiness; something that causes happiness.

2) The television series I bought every season of on DVD, and watched every night of my first months in New York.

3) The name associated with pretty (pre-haircut), smart, independent bravery making its home in Manhattan.

4) The name I want for my daughter because of #1-3.

5) The thought I had when I caught the reflection of my frizzy hair at work today (hence inspiration for this post).

6) The best opening theme of all time:  Felicity (best enjoyed while reading the remainder of this post)

7) The subject of the following Facebook statuses/posts (thanks to the new timeline, easily found):

       ~From Matt E. to me 1/8/08:  "thanks for the new Felicity addiction :)"

       ~From me to Matt E. 1/12/08: "I'm tired after this week, but it's been good. I was going to call you    tomorrow, unless you want to come over tonight and watch some Felicity. I have a huge confession...I've watched like 10 episodes!!! I'm sorry! Call me if you want to be lazy with me....I'm just laying around tonight."

       ~From me to Matt E. 1/20/08:  "Oh did I mention I finished the entire first season of Felicity? I did, so I might have to get the 2nd one."

      ~From Matt E. to me. 1/20/08: "it's becoming your drug!"

      ~My status, 2/13/08: "Feliciting :)"  (yes, I turned it into a verb at one point in my life)

      ~From Melissa R. to me in response to above: "what do you mean you are feliciting? does that mean you are happy? that you are watching "Felicity" on dvd? or that you are embodying the felicity porter life by striking out on your own in the big apple?" 

       ~From Matt E. to me 3/26/08: "Busy lady! hope you are doing well and had a nice holiday! I hope things calm down a little soon so we can eat sushi, popcorn, tapas, and of course watch Felicity :)"

Place where all Feliciting was done. My first studio apartment in Manhattan (the living room half).

Channeling my inner Felicity. Becoming a brave New Yorker while looking happy yet thoughtful (and definitely not at the camera).

Have you ever obsessed over a show, or related to a character in a huge way? Do share! Til tomorrow, loves. xo


  1. I've had the theme song to Felicity stuck in my head all day, thanks to this post;)

  2. this post stirs something up in me....even though I've seen maybe one episode of felicity a long time ago. what a fun time in your life sitting in your cozy apartment in a new city! and i bet every time you see the show it will take you back to that time! i had a similar obsession with the wonder years, watched every episode back to back after noah was born!

  3. Melissa, I'm glad the song got stuck in your head! It was stuck in mine, too, the day I wrote that :) Cool Mum... wonder years definitely has a similar feel to it and i could see how it could have a same obsess-effect :)
