Monday, May 14, 2012

How happy are you?

On a scale of 1 - 10, how happy are you, and what percent of the time?  My Mom shared a thought with me years ago that some people think it's ideal to be a 7 to 10 on the happy scale (i.e., content, peaceful, joyous, etc.) 90% of the time.  Whether it's in your daily routine, a relationship, your career, or living situation, try being aware of where you fall on that scale. You might find the results interesting, even if you don't quite buy the philosophy. A couple years ago when I was questioning how much I liked my job, I started jotting down throughout the day my "level of happy" and my reason for feeling that way.  I thought I hated my job, but when I looked back at my notes and saw I noted most of the time that I was actually quite content (enjoying coffee at my desk while working independently), I was surprised.

I challenge you to try it, unless you already know... How happy are you?  Do you have any thoughts on the scale idea?  

Have a great day, everyone!


  1. I think of it more in terms of peacefulness...and that I should really be at peace 100% of the time. If I'm not, then something is amiss, and I need to talk to God about it. I think what is different about peace is that you can be at peace when sad OR happy (circumstance-based?). Anywhoodlets...just my two cents! love ya, sis! and love that happy place you have photographed!!!

  2. Good thought Meg! I def think peace is a piece (pun intended) of happiness. Some of happy is circumstances too, so hopefully circumstances (at least those you can control) aren't bad most of the time, thus contributing to any unhappiness. Thanks for the insight! Love you!
